Sunday 8 March 2015

Week four : Illustration as an object

Week four : Illustration as an object

In modern day life, illustration has become something that can be applied to other things than a drawing or painting. It can be applied to many things, namely product, clothing or graphic design.

Designing products such as toys that still have a stylised, illustrative look and feel to them can also be seen as a form of art to some people. A good example of this would be the line of 'wearable' toys named 'Playsacks', created by graphic artist, Fredun Shapur.

A magazine advertisement for 'Playsacks'.

A closer look at the designs of the 'Playsacks'. The designs depicted various brightly coloured animals drawn and made up of bold, geometric shapes and lines.

Fredun also created a series of flat jigsaw puzzles.

These wooden 'jigsaw puzzles' were made up of identical flat wooden rectangles with pictures of animals printed on one of their sides. This toy shows that illustration and creative graphic design can mesh very well together to create unique products.

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