Sunday 8 March 2015

Week 7 : The image as space

Week 7 : The image as space

Books aimed at children have always been a huge factor in the field of illustration. One the biggest and most successful book companies of all time were Ladybird books, which ran from the 1950's to the 1970's.

Each ladybird book was a small hardback with full colour drawings. Artists who usually worked as comic book artists or manufacturing designers were hired to create colour illustrations for the Ladybird books. Some books were made to be educational and acted like informative guides that were easy for children to understand. This series was named 'How it works'.

One of the books from the 'How it works' series, this book shows children how a car works complete with full colour illustrations.

Ladybird also printed and produced a series of  children's short story books, featuring classic stories such Cinderella, Snow White and The Three Little Pigs. This series was referred to as the 'Well loved tales' series.

Two examples from the 'Well loved tales' Ladybird series are The Three Little Pigs and The Wolf and the Seven Kids.

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